Tacos & Togetherness


I don’t have a ton of memories of family dinner time growing up. My dad was often in Iran or the USSR— for months and months at a time. And my mom was overwhelmed by child raising and housekeeping.

We just weren’t some Norman Rockwell family who passed china bowls of bread rolls to each other across the table while discussing what we did that day at school, the office or lacrosse practice. I don’t resent it. It’s just how it was, and I love my family and, for the most part, my childhood. But I have also always watched those scenes on tv and in movies—families around the dinner table and not just on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but also on a regular fucking Wednesday— and wished I had had that too.

Well, because of COVID, I have that now—though Theodore is only a toddler and can’t tell us anything more than that he wants more noodles or no more kale, and husband’s office is a tiny desk in our bedroom— we have eaten almost every dinner together (and at home) for more than a year now. It’s crazy. It’s wonderful. And it’s one of the only true upsides to this total insanity and terror we have all been living though. So tonight, it’s tacos— a @swaledalebutchers @breddostacos collaboration Mexican chorizo, sweet potato, and black bean taco, with a sprinkling of feta, green onions, on a @coolchileco corn tortilla — in the garden, around our table, all together, our little family, on a regular fucking Wednesday.



