Day 2: February 2022

There are some things I miss more than others. Even after eight years. Good Mexican food. Potato rolls. Summer thunderstorms. Summer. Calling 👖 “pants” instead of “trousers” without worrying I’ll offend or, gasp, shock. And bagels. Always always bagels. Every day. I will never not miss them. 🥯

What you can get in London is farcical. The city’s most beloved ones taste like Lender’s, or like something you’d get at a gas station in New Jersey. And, while the new-fangled ones kicking around (mostly East) London are an improvement, I challenge any place that calls sourdough bagels “NY-style.” Show me a sourdough bagel in New York. No? You can’t? OF COURSE YOU CAN’T.

Anyways…best thing I cooked in February 2022: Bagels! Everything bagels! Every one of them devoured and enjoyed….and I think it’s about time to make another batch STAT. 🥯

[ew: I also had COVID in February 2022.]


Day 3: March 2022


12 Days of Deliciousness: Day 1/ January 2022