12 Days of Deliciousness- Day 1: January 2023
12 days to Christmas! That means it’s time for #12daysofdeliciousness — in which I count down to the big day by sharing the most delicious things I cooked each month of the year. Or something like that. I don’t know. It’s my game and I make the rules 😉 but any and all can play along (though no one does).
Anyhoo! Let’s get to it!
January 2023. A month of sadness and anxiety for me. So much fear, uncertainty and, frankly, cancer— scares and realities. But also Theo’s fourth birthday party, and all the joy (and cooking) that entailed!
I made an obscene amount of pulled pork. I made cheese logs and coleslaw and homemade bbq sauce. And I also made these— a melon GUP, a Dr. Inkling pepper, some banana dolphins and a two tiered marbled sprinkle cake. And Theo and his friends were deeeelighted. And so was I: the best things I “cooked” that month.