I so clearly recall my first overnight train trip. 18 hours. Shanghai to Beijing. August 1997. Hard sleeper open bunks. A few live chickens. Cigarette smoke. The Beatles on a handheld TAPE PLAYER. Playing game after game of Spades. Sneaking kisses with my summer boyfriend. I even remember what I was wearing. But last night, on an overnight ride from Kyiv, I tried to recall my last overnight train trip in China and I was stumped. Was it in 2011? 2010? 2008? 2007? I actually have no idea.
We remember our firsts so well, but so rarely our lasts— we don’t know that’s what they are, so we pay no attention and they slip away, blur together.
And I’m reminded once again of a quote from my favorite book, The Sheltering Sky,
“One never took the time to savour the details; one said: another day, but always with the hidden knowledge that each day was unique and fatal, that there never would be a return, another time.”
Here’s to a first and hopefully not last train ride in Ukraine. Thank you @experienceukraineandbeyond and @oliahercules