All the Cancer, Everywhere

What a month. I don’t know how it’s over. I barely know what day it is.

I knew where I was going to start— with #dryjanuary — but I didn’t really know where I was going to stop— with #mindfuldrinking and #socialomnivore kind of thing.

What I know is this: my mother had cancer in 2008. My mother has cancer right now in 2023. My little sister has cancer. In 2023. My father may have cancer. And these people are basically teetotalling vegans and I love them.

But I drink. And I eat meat. But now I’m committed to doing less. Of both. So here we go. #otkextragoodthings brothy @rancho_gordo beans. OTK #kalbibutternoodles (for the kid, I swear.) Leftover (brothy) beans, and rice (cooked in the aforementioned broth), and godddamn rice and beans are the best. Palestinian bread that I didn’t have sesame seeds for, but also they should have told me “everything bagel seed mix” was what I wanted so I could have and should have used that. 🥯

Thank you @rainydaybites I’ve never done a cookbook challenge before, and I’ve had an extremely challenging month, and this was a gorgeous and delicious way to feed and ground and nourish me and my little family.

This #rainydaybitescookbookclub challenge has centered and calmed me, and OMFG thank you @noorishbynoor and @ottolenghi — the cancer isn’t gone, but the comfort your recipes give me is never ending. So thank you thank you thank you.


This Ain’t No Mrs. Fields


The Blues