This Ain’t No Mrs. Fields

I don’t know about you, but all I ever wanted was a massive Mrs. Fields cookie cake for my birthday. With that cloyingly sweet white frosting, specially ordered to say “Happy Birthday, Anna!” Late 1980s/early 1990s slice o’ chocolatey Americana. The dream cake. I never did get one, but man I loved going to friends’ parties who did have them.

Anyways, this is not that. I mean— it has whole wheat flour and pumpkin seeds, so very much NOT something you’d pick up from a food court concession at a suburban mall. But it was good. It was very and surprisingly good (I was frankly quite skeptical of the “wholesome” ingredients.) Will I make it again? 🤷‍♀️ Who knows, but I will totally make the marble cake again - that thing was nutso delicious. 🎂

Posting today for the January #rainydaybitescookbookclub baking challenge. Great cookbook pick @rainydaybites , great cookbook @csaffitz !




All the Cancer, Everywhere