Day 12: December 2022

And so we arrive at the end of the year, at the end of the countdown, the last of the #12daysofdeliciousness. And the December standout: a holiday ham. 🐖

We almost didn’t do it. I almost couldn’t do it. It’s been a rough fall generally, and an even tougher December (guys and gals— check your boobs, balls and get your chest xrayed if you can— constant vigilance!), and I didn’t know if I had a holiday ham in me, let alone a holiday party. But, after years of Covid-imposed Christmas gloom coupled with 2022 autumnal shit, a ham and a party were indeed what the doctor ordered. As the latest arriving party guest (ahem, @karenplusone , showing up after everyone else had left…) said to me, “create your own joy.”

And I guess that’s the message I’m taking from this year. As I’ve looked back on my 2022 cooking for this little exercise, I’ve revisited not only meals, but moments and memories, of family, food, friendship, togetherness— of joy, even amongst the pain, heartache and stress. We each create our own joy. But not alone. We create it together, on the beach, in our gardens, on holiday, at home, and at the table.

Happy new year. Onwards and upwards. Xx


Across the Universe


Day 11: November 2022