A few years back, our now annual Christmas friends dinner happened to fall on the first day of Hannukah. As we were toasting to holiday cheer, good health, friendship and all that jazz, I piped in and added “Oh! And happy first night of Hannukah!” Blank stares all around the table. And then, post-toast, “Anna— wait: are you Jewish?” “No. But it’s Hannukah.” “Oh. I thought you were because you were upset about the Labour Party stuff.” “No. I was upset because it was insane and offensive.” “Do you have a lot of Jewish friends?” “Yeah I guess so.” “Hmmm— well, I think I know a Schwartz or a Greenberg….”
I won’t forget that last sentence, that casual almost anti-semitism exhibited by an otherwise kind, educated, pretty well-to-do Brit. I won’t forget that friends assumed I was Jewish because I was seriously offended by deep-seated and pervasive anti-semitism in one of the UK’s major political parties.
My son’s nursery “celebrates” Diwali, but is mum on Hannukah. So, in our house, we honor our friends, celebrate tolerance, diversity and light….and latkes.
Hope everyone had a lovely Hannukah this year. And every year.